Hipperson 2025 prices - all prices include VAT
Dayboats etc.
For all experiences please see our Explore page for details
Houseboats - a minimum of a 2 nights - please see our Stay page for details
Glamping Pods - a minimum of a 2 nights - please see our Stay page for details
Fuel and oils
Diesel Shell GTL 60/40 split £1.80
ATF £9.20
Morris CDX 15 - 40 £7.50
Antifreeze £6.00
Calor Gas
Butane (blue)
15Kg £53.00
7Kg £31.50
Propane (Orange)
13Kg £48.00
6Kg £28.00
Boatyard Services
Hard Standing £1.00 per foot, per week
Boat Slipping (inc. blocking up) £10.00 per foot, minimum charge 20ft
Slip for survey (boat remains on slipway, max 24hrs) £8.00 per foot, minimum charge 20ft (first 24hrs on slipway included)
Boat slipping using trolley and winch £12.00 per foot (first 24hrs on slipway included)
Storage on slipway £18.00 per 24 hours
Pressure wash bottom £1.20 per foot, minimum charge 20ft
Mooring - annual £69.00 per foot, per year (April-March)
Mooring wet shed £2975.00 per year
Mooring - over night £25.00
Pump out single £20.00
Pump out double £25.00
Pump out triple £30.00
Boat repair work (per hour) £47.00
Electricity £0.45pKwh