Our Approach to Covid 19  

At Hippersons boatyard we are every effort we can to ensure the boatyard is as a COVID secure as it can be for all our guests and out staff. We believe that by working together following the guidelines and protocols we have in place, it should be possible for everyone to continue to enjoy bringing the river to life in a safe and fun way.  

We are following all guidance issued by the government throughout this pandemic, and as result the hours we are able to open and the services we offer will vary. Please ensure you always check our website for up to date information.  

Day Experience Guests  

  • Arriving - there will be a designated car parking space for you, please remain in your car and our staff will come and meet you,and guide you out to your boat. 

  • Floating pontoon - we only ever have one party on each pontoon at a time, this may mean you have to wait a few minutes before you can step aboard your boat for the day, but it is to keep you safe.  

  • Toilets - we will use our toilets by reception for day experiences only, and all touch points well be cleaned between each social bubble 

  • Waivers and paperwork - will all be sent to you in advance so you can read and sign at your leisure from your own device. 

  • Instruction - we will provide videos in advance for you to watch, and on arrival all instruction and guidance will take place from the pontoon, our staff will not step on board your boat unless there is a reason too (when PPE will be used)  

  • Guided tours and workshops - the guide will always maintain safe practices and keep you informed of how to maintain good social distance throughout your experience.  

  • Buoyancy aids will be passed to you using PPE and at the end of your experience please place them in the allocate space, they will be anti virally cleaned overnight.  

 Overnight Visitors  

  • Arrival - there will be a named parking space for your accommodation for you to use throughout your stay. Please park here on arrival and our staff will come and welcome you and show you round to your safe action.  

  • Welcome packs and information - these will be sent to you in advance of your visit as a pdf, so you can download before arrival. We will also send you a video link of our introduction to your accommodation as we will no longer be coming in and showing you around. 

  • Dinghy - this will be cleaned for your arrival and it will be in our dinghy park. When you are ready we will fit you out with buoyancy aids using PPE and talk you through how to use it to have fun safely on the river.  

  • Toilets - we ask that you use your toilets on your accommodation and leave the toilets by reception for use if day experience customers only. This is to limit the risk of contact between social bubbles.  

  • Before you leave - please place all your bedding and towels in the provided landing bag, and take all your rubbish to the bins on site (general, recycling not plastic bags and glass). Thank you.  


  • Parking - you can park anywhere in the car park that is not a named place for day experiences or guest accommodation, this will help to reduce the risk of your contact with other social bubbles 

  • Toilets - we ask that you use the toilets on your boat and leave toilets on site for day experience guests only in the holiday season (April to October). Between November and March you may use the toilets during office hours and will need to request a key from a member of staff. 

  • Movement around the yard - please ensure you always  maintain a good social distance. 

  • Reception - this is closed as we can’t maintain social distance within it, however you can phone use, wave to us or catch us around the yard and we will help you as best as we can.  

 Pump outs and Diesel 

  • April to October: Everyday between 11am to 3pm - we have put times in place for pump out and diesel to ensure we can maintain social distancing on the pump out pontoon. This will enable us to clear the pontoon of day experience guests so we can have on boat bubble on the pontoon at a time.  

  • November to March: Monday to Friday 9.30 till 3.30 please call and make an appointment on 01502 712166. - This will ensure we schedule your needs into our daily maintenance programme.  


  • Parking - please park in places where you can keep safe 

  • PPE - we will provide you with PPE and advise you on its use 

  • Hand washing - we will provide anti bacterial hand soap in all locations and advise you to use this regularly. 

  • Working with our guests - please ensure you are familiar with all the protocols outlined in this document and follow the steps put in place.  

 These practices will continue to help us operate safely, within government guidelines. 

It is important that you raise any additional concerns or questions directly with us whilst you are here. 

If we follow these practices together we can all stay safe whilst we continue to provide you an enjoyable experience.